2013-04-12 22:26:26 UTC
1. I am 13 years old. I know this is a little late to start. What do you think are some tricks that I'd be able to learn, considering my age? My athletic background is: About a year in platform diving, 2 years of horseback riding, on and off ballet for about 1 1/2 years when I was like 5 or 6. I don't really remember anything. I am pretty flexible, I can hold a scorpion for about 15 seconds. I can't do the splits but I am working towards it. I stretch for 1/2 an hour about 4 to 5 times a week. I have been doing this for 3 months. So what do you think I will be able to do?
2. I live in Hawaii. I know about the Ice Palace, but is there any other skating places on Oahu? Also, do you know how much lessons cost for beginners on average?
3. What age do people generally start skating?
4. What are sports/activities that will benefit me before I start ice skating? ( I plan on starting in the summer.) I have already decided to watch a couple of YouTube videos. I am thinking about starting ballet but I am worried it might be a waste of money if it doesn't help.
5. What would you recommend on wearing to lesson days? I don't think I have to wear a figure skating dress every time, but I don't want to be inappropriately dressed, either.
6. How many days a week do you recommend on going? I mean, the ice palace is maybe an hour drive from where I live and from my school
7. (If you are a figure skater) What do you like about it? How does it benefit you?
8. Can you give me some tips/Advice for my first lesson?
Again, thak you all so much for taking the time to answer this :D