K is right, it is better to slow down and make sure you have the basics really good until you move on, but I doubt that's what you want to hear so here are my tips:
Toe loop- To get higher you probably have to go into it faster. That can help you get more height on jumps. Other than that, I don't really know. I'm not that good at toe loops.
Sit spin- Sit spins are my favorite spin ever!!! I have a ton of tips. First of all make sure you have a lot of speed going into it because you will need it. When you are going down, go down slowly. If you drop down too fast, you will probably fall. That is the most important tip that helped me the most!!!! Turn your foot out and make sure your legs stay together. Try and get as low as you can and if you fall it doesn't matter, just get up and try it again. Also, it takes a lot of leg strength to do a sit spin, so work on wall sits and lunges and stuff. On the ice you can practice shoot the ducks, but don't worry if you can't do them. Some people can do great sit spins but never can do a shoot the duck.
Camel spin- If I were you I wouldn't try these until you can do sit spins, but if you want to I have some tips. Get a really fast start, and keep your back mostly straight but arch it a little bit. Make sure your leg is straight and high enough, and point your toe or else your spin will look terrible. Keep your head up, and do NOT not not lean forward! I have done a lot of camel spins that turned into nose dives because I leaned forward too much. Keep your body in a straight line!
Backspin- Back spins are kind of hard for me for some reason, I can do them really fast and long but I don't always stay on the outside edge. Make sure you turn out your hip!! That is a pretty important tip. It's a good idea to go into the spin with a forward inside three turn, because you will end your three turn on the outside edge. What helped me a lot on my back spin was to spin for a few rotations without pulling in, and then pulling in really fast. That and turning out your hip will help you stay on the outside edge. What helped me get my back spin fast and long was my spinner! You should really get one, it has helped me a lot on all of my spins. They are $28 on the skate spinner Canada website.
That's all the tips I have, I don't have anything for spread eagle since I have never actually tried one. Good luck skating!!!!!